Yesterday I gave you my game-changing sales tip for getting kids in your gym off an email inquiry. If you missed it, check it out HERE in our blog. Today, I’m going to give you 4 tips for making sure that phone call goes AMAZING! I’ve studied sales and prospecting for years. In fact, a lot of marketing experts say to skip studying marketing until you’re pretty amazing at sales. (Marketing is just an end to a means anyway, right?) So, here is exactly how a conversation goes when my staff calls a parent who might be interested in our program.

“Hey Sarah, this is Danielle at Twisters. Is right now still a good time?”

(Remember, you asked her when was  good time to call, but confirm it’s still good so you can get their full attention)

“Perfect. OK, so what’s your daughter’s name and how old is she?”

“Awesome. What school does Avery go to?”

“Oh, great! We actually have several athletes here who go to Ridgeview as well! She may know a few of them!”

(This can help parents feel comfortable that their child won’t be a loner. Obviously only say this if you have athletes from that school. If I don’t, I sometimes ask what grade they are in and connect that way.)

“So, tell me about Avery. Is she super shy? Outgoing? Somewhere in between?”

(This should be an indicator. When I get a super shy child, I start them in recreational tumbling where they can warm up to staff and the gym before throwing them into stunting and counts and routines. If they’re super outgoing, I usually recommend a low-commitment recreational or novice cheer. Somewhere in between – play it by ear.)

“And, what are you hoping to get out of our programs here?

(This is where a mom will tell you if her child has experience. Trust me, no one will ever have these conversations without telling you if her child learned a back handspring off Youtube! Also, pay attention to if they’re saying they want to get more social, build focus or just get stronger and get some exercise. When I have a parent tell me they want to get their kid off the video games and into a sport – I usually recommend ninja – it’s like a real, life video game!)

“Well, I think we may have the perfect program for Avery then!”
(Insert no more than 15 seconds about the program you recommend here.)

“What do you think about that?”

“Great! So, I’d love to get you set up with our new member special if you’re ready!”

(This is where I take their info over the phone and email them the link to our waiver. We set up their first class – or I send mom a copy of the class schedule and we go from there.)

So, now that you’ve heard how I do it – give it a try and let me know how it goes! You may practice it a few times with a coach or office staff, but I’m telling you – it works!