
As I said earlier, some registration systems allow you to submit waivers online, which can be incredibly convenient. Make no mistake though – every event producer will have a waiver of some kind. Some EPs have an individual waiver for each athlete that needs to be completed online or on paper and brought to the event, while others have a single page for each team or the program as a whole. When you register, read the fine print to find out how you’ll be required to submit waivers. For events that have paper waivers, we compile them all at the beginning of the season and have parents sign them all at once (usually around August or September before things start getting really crazy and busy for the season). For electronic waivers, you’ll have to usually click a button to email them out. Make sure you notify parents they should be receiving an email from the event company. For many of my parents, it goes to updates folders or spam and gets missed unless we tell them they need to check it and sign. From there, you’ll want to set an alarm for yourself or a coach to log in and see whose waivers are still missing. Usually, you can click a button to resend. When they’re electronic like this, you often can’t send the waivers until your balance is paid in full, so budget to get that done early so you can take care of this early on.