Thanks for checking out Next Gen Conferences! If you’ve never attended one of our events, they’re unlike any other. Our conference staff is phenomenal and is there to ensure you have the best possible experience where you can learn and grow your gym and your staff! We get some of the best speakers in and out of the industry. How do we know what gym owners and coaches need to hear? Here at Next Gen, we are ALL actively owning and coaching in our gyms daily!

Date: January 5-7, 2024

City: San Diego, CA

For: Coaches, Owners & Managers/Directors, Office & Front Desk Staff

Classes: Our class listing will be available Sept. 15, 2023 here.

Speakers: Our keynote speaker for this event is Jeff Benson, author of Unblocked: The Walls Come Tumbling Down and the owner of Mind Body Cheer. Additionally, we’re thrilled to welcome Kali Seizer and Sean Guzman from Top Gun Miami to lead our skills sessions! The expert coaches and consultants at Next Gen will lead the owners and managers tracks. To learn more about our NG Staff, please visit

Sponsors: As always, we have an amazing relationship with our sponsors. We’ve even been told our conference is unlike any other as we can directly speak to the effects their businesses and programs have had on our gyms’ growth. To learn more about sponsorship, please visit or reach out to