So you’re new to competitions? It’s hard to find good information out there on what to expect and how to be prepared. In fact, you may have already tried to find information so you’re prepared in advance, but I’ll be honest – it’s hard to find a single source to prepare you. But here at NG, we’re all about making sure you are successful both on and off the mat. When you’re stressed, your gym families and athletes will feel it. So, make sure you read this blog carefully and reach out if you have any questions!



The vast majority of competitions have online registration these days. A few small IEPs still do paper, but usually, you’ll find a system like RegChamp or Centrascore. Other large event producers, like Varsity, have their own systems altogether for registration. The good part about this is that you can view your invoice in real-time as you’re adding in your teams. The downside is that there is no universal, single system everyone uses. So you’ll have to invest some time to get familiar with the systems. Some systems allow you to upload music licenses, background checks, and waivers right there online meaning you’re not really required to bring paper of any kind to an event (though I always bring a backup copy!) To register for these events, head over to the event producer’s website and you’ll find a link. Make sure to note the deadlines for entry and payments very early in your season as you want to plan to pay early and get the best possible pricing for your program.