I hope it was an amazing one, and that you read my post yesterday and took a few minutes to reflect. One area we often see gyms succeeding in is the processes on the mat. It’s pretty incredible to watch the success of Next Gen gyms and see just how many of our clients are winning weekend after weekend. I can say, I directly attribute this to one thing:
Those gyms learned how to systemize the processes in their business, and they took that knowledge over to the mat. Even moreso, they learned how to systemize their businesses and now they have more time to spend on staff training and developing their teams.
When you’re not waking up every day and putting out fires, you can structure your day to get stuff done and then do the things you enjoy doing….like CHEERLEADING! This is WHY we all opened gyms right?
You didn’t open a gym to learn tax laws and how to get the best insurance rates. You didn’t learn to figure out what EFTPS and SUTA means. You opened a gym so you could work with focused athletes and instill a love for your favorite sport.
So, if you need to spend a little time this summer focused on your gym’s processes so you can enjoy cheerleading all over again…check out the Next Gen Summer Conference on July 7 in Louisville. We’ll be teaching the following classes:
- Budgeting for Your Program
- Hiring & Retaining Great Staff
- Add $150k/Year with Birthday Parties
- Boys’ Programming
- Double Your Private Lesson Profits this Season
- Get More Done & Manage Your Time Better
These are some of our favorite core classes we believe EVERY gym owner should attend. So, check out our Louisville conference.
We have limited seats available for this event.
Visit ngconferences.com for the details today!