We hope you had a super relaxing holiday last week. Here at Next Gen we’re about to hit the ground running for the next 3 weeks in preparation for the upcoming holiday and end of the year. If you’ve got GOALS, let’s make sure to focus intently on those right now so we can achieve them in 2021!
TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF THIS OFFER!! Next Gen is offering a 90-day moneyback guarantee to all new and returning Owners Academy Members! We have some incredible resources available in the Owners Academy, and you don’t want to miss out on these! It’s the perfect way to grow your gym, earn your freedom and increase your profit! PM me for details or visit nextgenowners.com/membership. Did you know we also offer CAN pricing for international clients??
NEXT GEN IS OFFERING TWO VIRTUAL CHAMPIONSHIPS WITH BIDS! Earlier this morning Shelley went live to tell you all about the NG Winter Championship and the NG Last-Chance Championship. We’re so excited to have these events at just $29/athlete (and $19/athlete for our NG Owners’ Academy members)!! Not only is this an amazing deal, but we’ll be offering 1 Paid and 3 At Large Bids to All Star World Championship at EACH event (as well as credits to The Open!) Watch Shelley’s video posted in this group earlier today for details and visit ngchampionship.com for registration.
JOIN ME WEDNESDAY AT 10 A.M. CST FOR A HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! I’m super excited to announce a new program we’ll be launching. We’ve been working on it for MONTHS now and can’t wait to spill the tea. This is a program that will DEFINITELY build your profits in your gym while growing it!! Join me right HERE in the NG Facebook Group at that time!
12 DAYS OF NG CHRISTMAS BEGINS DEC. 1! This is the first year we’ll be doing the 12 Days of Christmas for NG, and we are EXCITED! You can win some excellent giveaways just by participating in the NG Facebook Group on our 12 Days posts! Check the group each morning and engage with the post! We’ll pick a winner each night and announce the next morning. (Yes – Academy members are qualified to participate and WIN!)
FIRESIDE CHAT: This Thursday at 9 p.m. CST, Justin and Danielle will host Fireside Chat in the Next Gen Facebook Group. We’ve had some questions submitted over the past few weeks and will be answering those (when to start a second business, how and when to pay coaches for special work/projects/competitions, etc.) If you have questions, use the chat feature on this page!
Join Justin for Ask the Coach Live this Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. CST in the Academy Facebook Group . This is the perfect time to ask your questions about contracts, loans, negotiations, building and facility, etc. (Let’s be honest, he’ll also fire up you – and any husbands within 10 feet of you!)
This week’s Weekly Challenge is: Write down what you need to get done by the end of the year. Break those items up into weeks and block out an hour each week to work on those goals.
Connect 3 was released last week. Make sure to head into the Owners’ Academy to get it! Education Break from November is also available in the Videos section!
“Building Community through Service in Your Community” released last week. In addition, we released a bonus Half-Year Novice Team packet template! Head over to the Members Area and check it out! (Make sure you’re logged in to access!)
We had a little bit of tech trouble, but your training video should be up no later than tomorrow night!
The next training packet releases this Wednesday and is titled, “Mermaids & Pirates Event Guide”. This guide is designed to help you generate more leads for your preschool program!
This month’s training video will also offer training on the monthly lesson plan. We’ll notify you of the date once it’s published!
Connect 3 was released for December! If you’re a non-Academy subscriber and didn’t get it in your email, reply back to this and I’ll send it your way. If you’re part of the Academy, log into the members area to download your’s today. If you’re a non-subscriber, get more info and one free packet at nextgenowners.com/connect.
Need help growing your gym? Reply to this email or learn more about our services at https://nextgenowners.com!