I was searching for a post a few days ago, and came upon a post I made in the Next Gen Academy almost exactly a year ago. It’s pretty common for us to share our strategic priorities and goals with one another in that group. However, it turns out a year ago, I didn’t believe in myself enough.



My goals were so small! I had administrative tasks that, while they would help us in the long-run, were so minor. For an entire quarter, I had plans to reorganize our payment processing, expense reporting and labor percentages. (Exciting, right?) But, nothing was earth-shattering.

In fact, those goals were so small that we had accomplished them in about half the time I had given us to do so. If you’re sitting back thinking, “That’s not bad! You accomplished your goals!” well, that’s just not me. 


I’d rather set massive goals, work extremely hard and halfway reach them than set mediocre goals and reach them too easily. I like the challenge though. You should like the challenge too. Challenges, while stressful at times, make us better. I am a better gym owner when people challenge me and obstacles stand in my way. I work harder. 


Whether you embrace challenges or not, they make you better too. So, as you’re thinking about your goals for 2022, will you take the easy path and select goals you know are “attainable” or will you REALLY challenge yourself this year?