- Every event does awards differently. Some give you medals at awards while others have already given them to you.
- Most events do awards in sessions. So you will want to review the schedule and make sure you know when your session’s awards are.
- Some EPs have specialty awards, which is personally my favorite, and others just get down to business with rankings. Awards can be short and sweet or last an hour. They can be on the main floor or in another arena. Be aware throughout the day of what’s happening in the sessions before you. If you’re in the first awards session, the people at coaches’ check-in can usually answer your questions. The best thing I can say here is – to go with the flow.
- You’ll either get your scores in a packet at awards or they’ll be emailed to you afterward. Large events typically email them with the breakdown for all teams. Smaller events sometimes give you paper scoresheets and you get a breakdown a day or two later.
- Once awards are done for all your teams, you’re free to go!