
Posts filed under: Troubleshooting


What Comes After Listening: Why Parents Expect More from Gym Owners

Recently, I told you why I believe our gyms are so important based on my recent experience with high school tennis; however, there was something else that came out of that controversial experience that I learned as well: Most of... Read More

Surviving in September: How Getting Ahead Helps You Save Time & Money

September is always a crazy month for us at Twisters. School begins at the end of August, and by September, we’re managing the influx of new and returning athletes, along with a batch of new college students hired to work... Read More

Ditch the Clutter and Improve Productivity in Your Gym

Lately, I’ve been talking a lot about stress management for gym owners, and recently Justin and I did a Fireside Chat about digitizing your gym and getting rid of paper. I wanted to give a few practical tips on how... Read More

Why some employees are downright defiant

As you begin to put systems in place and empower your staff, you’re going to see a few things happen in your business. First off, some people will truly excel. This is the self-discipline they’ve been looking for and the... Read More

Why your bread is dry

Yesterday I told you about my venture with bread. If it’s not made exactly right with precise measurements and timing, it’s not going to be very good. If you don’t use the yeast correctly, it won’t rise. If you use... Read More

How to make bread

Earlier this year I made the resolution to learn how to make bread. Baking is one thing that has defeated me most of my life. There is no great reason for it except that I don’t love the precision of... Read More

Honest Review: The industry vendors I used this season

I’ve had some recent experiences with those businesses in our industry who support and sponsor Next Gen, and I just wanted to share them.  CS Athletics – Carrie is AMAZING! I already have a mock up for next season along... Read More

What “star” would you rate your gym?

Have you ever had to stay at a hotel or motel that you were less-than thrilled to stay at? We love Drury Inns (if you’re in the Southern half of the Midwest or Northern half of the South, you know... Read More

How long will it take to change the culture in my gym?

How long does it take to build a great culture in your gym?  I think we first need to define the goal. A great gym culture probably looks a bit like this:  Parents who never complain.  Staff who never complains.... Read More

Pick 3: Fitness, Work, Family, Friends or Sleep

Last year I read a great book by Randi Zuckerberg, the lesser known of the Zuckerberg’s (she makes some great jokes about that in her book). It was called Pick 3.  In the book, she talks about how we only... Read More